Data Integration and ETL Tools Comparison: AWS Glue vs Google Cloud Dataflow vs Azure Data Factory

February 07, 2022


Data integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) are crucial tasks for organizations aiming to put their data to work. Cloud service providers offer several data integration and ETL tools in the market, including AWS Glue, Google Cloud Dataflow, and Azure Data Factory.

These tools have been designed to help organizations make the most of their data by simplifying data ingestion, preparation, transformation, and loading.

In this blog post, we'll compare these three data integration and ETL tools based on certain criteria, such as cost, performance, usability, and features. We hope after reading this blog, you'll be able to make an informed decision on which data integration and ETL tool is best suited for your organization.

Criteria for Comparison

Before we dive deep into the comparison, let's first list down the criteria that we'll be using to evaluate these three tools. These criteria include:

  • Cost
  • Performance
  • Usability
  • Features
  • Ecosystem and community support



As with any tool or solution, cost is one of the most important factors to consider. AWS Glue charges on a pay-as-you-go model based on the number of seconds it takes to run your ETL jobs. Google Cloud Dataflow charges based on the number of virtual machines (VMs) used and the duration of the job. Azure Data Factory follows a different pricing model altogether, charging standard Azure data transfer rates.

In terms of costing, AWS Glue comes out as the cheapest option, followed by Azure Data Factory and Google Cloud Dataflow.


Performance is another crucial factor to consider when selecting a data integration and ETL tool. AWS Glue runs on Apache Spark, which is known for its high-performance and scalability capabilities. Google Cloud Dataflow, on the other hand, runs on Apache Beam, also known for its scalability and reliability. Azure Data Factory is known to be slower than both AWS Glue and Google Cloud Dataflow.

In terms of performance, AWS Glue is the winner, followed by Google Cloud Dataflow and Azure Data Factory.


Another important criterion to consider is usability. AWS Glue offers a simple and visual interface that is user-friendly, but it's not as flexible as the other two options. Google Cloud Dataflow offers a more robust and flexible framework, but it has a steeper learning curve. Azure Data Factory offers a rich visual interface with drag-and-drop features, making it easy to use.

In terms of usability, Azure Data Factory comes out as the most user-friendly option, followed by AWS Glue and Google Cloud Dataflow.


AWS Glue comes with features such as automatic schema discovery, ETL code generation, and pre-built connectors to popular data sources. Google Cloud Dataflow offers many similar features, including connectors to various data sources and pre-built templates for common ETL jobs. Azure Data Factory provides a more comprehensive set of features, including integration with Azure's machine learning and analytics tools.

In terms of features, Azure Data Factory provides the richest set of features, followed by AWS Glue and Google Cloud Dataflow.

Ecosystem and community support

As with any tool, community support and ecosystem play an essential role in its adoption and growth. AWS Glue and Google Cloud Dataflow both have large and growing communities, while Azure Data Factory's community is still developing.

In terms of ecosystem and community support, AWS Glue and Google Cloud Dataflow both have strong support, while Azure Data Factory is still growing.


In conclusion, all three tools offer a wide range of features and capabilities for data integration and ETL solutions. However, AWS Glue comes out as the most cost-effective and high-performing option, followed by Google Cloud Dataflow and Azure Data Factory.

Azure Data Factory is the most user-friendly option, with a rich set of features including integration with Azure's analytics and machine learning tools. AWS Glue and Google Cloud Dataflow both offer strong ecosystem and community support, while Azure Data Factory's community is still growing.

We hope this comparison has helped you make a more informed decision on which data integration and ETL tool is the best fit for your organization.


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